United Arrows is a Japanese clothing brand founded in 1989 by Yasuto Kamoshita, Hirofumi Kurino and Osamu Shigematsu, Its sub-brand Camoshita United Arrows was established in 2007 The brand has collaborated with New Balance, The North Face, Dr. Martens,adidas and others. -

That's the scientific bit I ripped from Wikipiedia anyway; The truth is it's quite hard to actually nail down exactly what it is. You see, United Arrows is also a string of retail stores (nearly 300) that riddle (in a good way) the wonderful isle of Japan.
The stores, or more specifically boutiques, house a wide-range of garms from vintage Levi's, to tailoring, to hoodies. That's not to mention brands such as Beauty & Youth which is one of United Arrow's own subrands...much like United Arrows the brand is, or Camoshita the brand; eponymously named after the aforementioned Yasuto Kamoshita, nearly anyway.

This clothing inception is enough to drive a sane man bizerk right? But to coin a phrase: the proof of the pudding is very much in the eating, and these various puddings that derive from the mother...erm United Pudding is delightful!
This particular piece when described has an almost british sensibility; a brown cord suit, how refined! but when you bump up the vibrance in photoshop (that's how they do it right?) and Neoplitanize the shoulders you get this playful and unique example of casual suiting.
I dont understand you United Arrows, but my God do I admire you!
